Who are you? What do you want? Where are you going? Who Do you Serve? And Who do you trust?
So last night I’m sitting at home and I decide to bust out my DVD set of the 1 season TV show Crusade (the spin off show from Babylon 5, any who don’t know of them check out IMDB, and if you like sci-fi I highly recommend them) and as the opening sequence starts it has this voice over done by Peter Woodward asking those 5 questions as the title sequence runs. As I listened to the questions it hit me, in one form or another those are the questions I have been getting hit with the most recently, from friends, from family, and ultimately from myself. There is no way I can even come close to answering all of those questions at one time. Therefore, I’m going to go on a bit of an introspective look into myself as a change of pace from my current trend of current affairs post. As I said I don’t intend to try and answer all of these questions at once, so in between these posts looking into myself I will still be posting my regular rants on politics and the like. I hope that by the end, I will have a better understanding of myself and the readers of this blog might be able to take away something they might be struggling with in their own realities.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Something worth fighting for
Well since the post I made earlier today was supposed to be put up last night, I guess I can roll this gem out a little early. I will say this has not been an easy one to write out, so if I get incoherent or hard to follow at points just hang in there my mind will come back to what I am thinking about.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about friends I have had over the years, the one who have turned out to be true friends, the ones who I thought were true friends, the ones who stabbed me in the back, and the ones I will never see again, nor get to say the things too I should have done long ago.
First I should cover those friends who are gone. I am only 24 years old but have already attended the funerals of three of my friends, at times we could have killed each other, other times heaven help anyone who would oppose us. Unfortunately it took the funeral of one of those friends to make the rest of us realize just how valuable life was, and make us end the longstanding petty feuds between us. As it has turned out, those people, those friends have been the ones I have had the longest and continue to be the ones I am closest too.
Now I have made other “friends” over the last several years, but as with the game of politics most of them where not friends, but opportunist waiting till the best time to plant the knife in my back.
Now for the one that really kind of hurts the most. I met this guy when we started working together, we got rather close as friends. I helped him through some rough times and he was there for me when I hit the bottom of a bottle. In February he left for the national guard, at the time he left I would have said we were very close friends. Now that he is back I have maybe spoken 5 words to him in nearly 2 months he’s been back. However I know the problem with him is the fucking bitch he married. Which lead me to another issue, why is some people when they enter into a relationship with someone they demand that the other person give up their friends just because they don’t like them. I have seen it happen a lot with several of my friends, but I’m sorry it’s not true love if you have to give up yourself or your friends for the person.
So I guess my point is friends are too valuable to let go without a fight, to important to let the small things get between you. Arguments are normal they happen all the time, it’s the false friends who will get into an argument with you and hold a grudge, a true friend will come back, whether its that day or the next day or the day after that and you will go right on being friends, it’s the true friends who are there when your in need, it’s the true friends who will sit up with you all night crying, it’s the true friends who in the end dont care what you tell them because no matter what you can say they will still be their for you no matter what. And as I said those are the friends worth fighting for, those are the people in your life that will matter the most, even beyond a partner because they will be the ones their when you and your partner are having trouble.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about friends I have had over the years, the one who have turned out to be true friends, the ones who I thought were true friends, the ones who stabbed me in the back, and the ones I will never see again, nor get to say the things too I should have done long ago.
First I should cover those friends who are gone. I am only 24 years old but have already attended the funerals of three of my friends, at times we could have killed each other, other times heaven help anyone who would oppose us. Unfortunately it took the funeral of one of those friends to make the rest of us realize just how valuable life was, and make us end the longstanding petty feuds between us. As it has turned out, those people, those friends have been the ones I have had the longest and continue to be the ones I am closest too.
Now I have made other “friends” over the last several years, but as with the game of politics most of them where not friends, but opportunist waiting till the best time to plant the knife in my back.
Now for the one that really kind of hurts the most. I met this guy when we started working together, we got rather close as friends. I helped him through some rough times and he was there for me when I hit the bottom of a bottle. In February he left for the national guard, at the time he left I would have said we were very close friends. Now that he is back I have maybe spoken 5 words to him in nearly 2 months he’s been back. However I know the problem with him is the fucking bitch he married. Which lead me to another issue, why is some people when they enter into a relationship with someone they demand that the other person give up their friends just because they don’t like them. I have seen it happen a lot with several of my friends, but I’m sorry it’s not true love if you have to give up yourself or your friends for the person.
So I guess my point is friends are too valuable to let go without a fight, to important to let the small things get between you. Arguments are normal they happen all the time, it’s the false friends who will get into an argument with you and hold a grudge, a true friend will come back, whether its that day or the next day or the day after that and you will go right on being friends, it’s the true friends who are there when your in need, it’s the true friends who will sit up with you all night crying, it’s the true friends who in the end dont care what you tell them because no matter what you can say they will still be their for you no matter what. And as I said those are the friends worth fighting for, those are the people in your life that will matter the most, even beyond a partner because they will be the ones their when you and your partner are having trouble.
The God Question
Ok, so I lied, I didn’t get this posted last night, for some odd reason I felt it more rewarding to fall asleep on the couch while watching a movie. But anyway, as you’ve noticed my last several posts have been about politics, so I thought I would shake it up a bit and hit religion for a moment. What spawned this debate in my head started a couple of days ago with a friend of mine. He is 22, Christian (but not the crazy type), and openly gay. Well with the first week of classes brought the first week of clubs and all that fun stuff. Well my friend decided he wanted to be part of the Christian Student Fellowship, no problem right. WRONG. Before the meeting even began someone stood up and said we don’t welcome fags in our meetings, you’re an abomination against God. Now let me add in some additional information before I continue about the CSF, the girl that is the head of it this year has a 3 year old child outside of marriage, the vice president is on his 2nd DUI, and some of the members I have met are some of the best partiers I know. I’m getting into this because the hypocrisy of religion is truly starting to scare the hell out of me. We have already seen religious fundamentalism and extremist in action, how much longer before that kind of thinking becomes the norm. What I mean is there are moderate Christians (and I am including Catholics in that as well), that while they personally do not condone the act or approve of the lifestyle, follow the words of the bible itself in as much as they hate the sin love the sinner. Not every person of faith is ready to ostracize every gay they come across and most actually don’t care if the person sitting next to them is gay as long as they don’t try to hit on them. My problem is that through mass media and hysteria to an extent extremist and radicals are gaining more ground than the more level headed, when people like Jerry Falwell, Joel Osteen, and others who preach about the dangers of the homosexuals, and people like Fred Phelps who actively say homosexuals deserve to die. These voices are getting louder and louder and like I said it scares the hell out of me. Now I break yet another promise because after the movie I watched last night it seems a little relevant. You ad in some of the policies of the bush administration, especially when he says he is doing God’s work (god we have came a long way from Moses to GW doing Gods work) and the lines of extremism Vs. mainstream continues to grow. The movie I watched last night was V for Vendetta (great movie by the way) but in it a religious fanatic seizes power in great Britain, saying anything against the government or leaderships is called unpatriotic (sound familiar yet), anyone who is deemed disloyal to the government in arrested (getting warmer), and anyone who does not live according to the moral code (which also outlaws homosexuality) is arrested. Now I know things are not that bad, but my point here is that things are not that bad yet. Unless the religious extremist can be stopped or at least slowed down, how long is it until we get to that point, people are scared of a lot of things in this country right now, and the extremist can offer explanations and solutions, but to do it they need a scapegoat, and unfortunately I think that scapegoat is us.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
For my like 2 readers sorry for the absence the last few days. First I got swamped with an unexpected homework assignment, my cell phone has shot craps, and I had some issues come up at work (I swear I work for a Soap Opera, I just need to find those damned cameras). But nonetheless I am back and should have a new post ready to roll by tonight. So stay tuned sports fans, more to come.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Illinois - the model of FUBAR
This is going to be a little more localized that my previous posts and concern the state I live in. First the set up.
Our Governor, G-Rod, Rod, Blow-a-Dick, whatever you may want to call him I’m sure it won’t be original to a native of Illinois. HE was re-elected in 2006, god only knows how, he had popularity numbers that made Bush look like a rock star, corruption investigations out the ass, and ultimately got less than 50% of the vote. Well the governor’s relationship with our state legislature has never been a pleasant one since G-Rod was elected in 2002, now things have reached a point on utter chaos. For 2007 G-Rod introduced a massive plan to provide health care to all people in Illinois who needed it, good sound bites such as “Do you know 1.4 million people in Illinois don’t have health care”. Well while this looks good on paper, just like anything, it costs money, and to spend that money there has to be money there to spend. Why is spending money an issue in Illinois? Well to balance his budgets ever year he has been in office G-Rod has raided the pension fund creating an unfunded pension liability in the billions of dollars, our bond rating has been lower, we have raided ever fund imaginable including retirement systems, education, and little old ladies purses who are not paying attention. Additionly the State of Illinois is already almost 12 months behind in medical payments as it is, to which G-Rod responds to stop paying the old payments so we can pay the current ones, at this point several medical providers have stopped seeing patients who have state insurance because they are not getting paid, most notable Barnes Jewish in Missouri no longer takes Illinois insurance patients, and if they do they are put at the bottom of every waiting list. So how does our industrious perfectly hair governor plan to pay for his new health insurance plan you might ask? Well he won t expand gaming by allowing a casino in Chicago, he wont raise the income tax to cover it, he has already raised every fee related to doing business in, around, or in association with the state of Illinois, so he proposes the GRT (Gross Receipt Tax). No w like anything, the GRT went before the State General Assembly (Legislature) and was voted down almost unanimously by members of both parties, when asked by his own party members where he would be willing to compromise all he would say is “do you know there are 1.4 million people without healthcare in Illinois”. Well after loosing that fight, he proceeded to threaten to veto any budget bill that did not include his healthcare plan, and would only pass it if it was paid for with his GRT plan, a plan that failed to gain support in the legislature.
Now you have the lenthy background of this, a budget was supposed to be passed by June 1 in Illinois, it is now august 24, and after the longest legislative session in Illinois history costing Illinois taxpayers over $1,000,000 the governor signed the budget but not before vetoing $500,000,000 in “pork spending”, what he vetoed by the way was only from the house democrats, the treasures office, the comptrollers office, and the Attorney Generals office. It should be noted that those 4 groups have something in common they are all from G-Rod’s on party, and all have opposed him in this budget fiasco.
But here is my real point let me point out some of the things he vetoed, while claiming to want to help people in Illinois get the care they need;
For Healthy Kids/Healthy Minds/ Expanded Vision……… 3,000,000Community college Student Success Grants….. 3,000,000Grants to the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center…… 500,000$6,620,000… to the Department of Human Services, for all costs associated with a 3% cost of doing business adjustment for community based addiction treatment providers.For grants for School Based Health Center expansions… 3,000,000 (This was strongly supported in both chambers.)for the Rural Medical Education (RMED) program at the University of Illinois-Rockford………….700,000For expenses associated with newborn hearing programs…. 150,000For Expenses associated with Pandemic Flu Preparedness…. 1,183,000ILLINOIS VETERANS’ HOME AT LASALLE… For the addition of 80 beds…. 2,225,600FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE ILLINOIS PUBLIC AID CODE, THE CHILDREN’S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM ACT, AND THE COVERING ALL KIDS HEALTH INSURANCE ACT… For Hospital In-Patient, Disproportionate Share and Ambulatory Care….. 2,705,811,200 2,665,811,200 (That’s more than $100 mil cut for hospitals)For Grants to Oak Forest Hospital of Cook County………. 12,000,000 2,000,000For a grant to the Autism Program for an Autism Diagnosis Education Program For Young Children… 10,000,000 5,000,000For Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded and Alternative Community Programs including prior year costs…. 356,856,200 351,856,200 ($5 mil)For Expenses of AIDS/HIV Education, Drugs, Services, Counseling, Testing, Referral and Partner Notification (CTRPN), and Patient and Worker Notification ……… 18,001,200 17,501,200
That almost $140,000,000 in cuts to health and human services, just who the hell does this guy think he is trying to help in Illinois. All because the representatives of the people told him no.
All numbers from capitol fax blog, check it out for more.
Our Governor, G-Rod, Rod, Blow-a-Dick, whatever you may want to call him I’m sure it won’t be original to a native of Illinois. HE was re-elected in 2006, god only knows how, he had popularity numbers that made Bush look like a rock star, corruption investigations out the ass, and ultimately got less than 50% of the vote. Well the governor’s relationship with our state legislature has never been a pleasant one since G-Rod was elected in 2002, now things have reached a point on utter chaos. For 2007 G-Rod introduced a massive plan to provide health care to all people in Illinois who needed it, good sound bites such as “Do you know 1.4 million people in Illinois don’t have health care”. Well while this looks good on paper, just like anything, it costs money, and to spend that money there has to be money there to spend. Why is spending money an issue in Illinois? Well to balance his budgets ever year he has been in office G-Rod has raided the pension fund creating an unfunded pension liability in the billions of dollars, our bond rating has been lower, we have raided ever fund imaginable including retirement systems, education, and little old ladies purses who are not paying attention. Additionly the State of Illinois is already almost 12 months behind in medical payments as it is, to which G-Rod responds to stop paying the old payments so we can pay the current ones, at this point several medical providers have stopped seeing patients who have state insurance because they are not getting paid, most notable Barnes Jewish in Missouri no longer takes Illinois insurance patients, and if they do they are put at the bottom of every waiting list. So how does our industrious perfectly hair governor plan to pay for his new health insurance plan you might ask? Well he won t expand gaming by allowing a casino in Chicago, he wont raise the income tax to cover it, he has already raised every fee related to doing business in, around, or in association with the state of Illinois, so he proposes the GRT (Gross Receipt Tax). No w like anything, the GRT went before the State General Assembly (Legislature) and was voted down almost unanimously by members of both parties, when asked by his own party members where he would be willing to compromise all he would say is “do you know there are 1.4 million people without healthcare in Illinois”. Well after loosing that fight, he proceeded to threaten to veto any budget bill that did not include his healthcare plan, and would only pass it if it was paid for with his GRT plan, a plan that failed to gain support in the legislature.
Now you have the lenthy background of this, a budget was supposed to be passed by June 1 in Illinois, it is now august 24, and after the longest legislative session in Illinois history costing Illinois taxpayers over $1,000,000 the governor signed the budget but not before vetoing $500,000,000 in “pork spending”, what he vetoed by the way was only from the house democrats, the treasures office, the comptrollers office, and the Attorney Generals office. It should be noted that those 4 groups have something in common they are all from G-Rod’s on party, and all have opposed him in this budget fiasco.
But here is my real point let me point out some of the things he vetoed, while claiming to want to help people in Illinois get the care they need;
For Healthy Kids/Healthy Minds/ Expanded Vision……… 3,000,000Community college Student Success Grants….. 3,000,000Grants to the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center…… 500,000$6,620,000… to the Department of Human Services, for all costs associated with a 3% cost of doing business adjustment for community based addiction treatment providers.For grants for School Based Health Center expansions… 3,000,000 (This was strongly supported in both chambers.)for the Rural Medical Education (RMED) program at the University of Illinois-Rockford………….700,000For expenses associated with newborn hearing programs…. 150,000For Expenses associated with Pandemic Flu Preparedness…. 1,183,000ILLINOIS VETERANS’ HOME AT LASALLE… For the addition of 80 beds…. 2,225,600FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE ILLINOIS PUBLIC AID CODE, THE CHILDREN’S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM ACT, AND THE COVERING ALL KIDS HEALTH INSURANCE ACT… For Hospital In-Patient, Disproportionate Share and Ambulatory Care….. 2,705,811,200 2,665,811,200 (That’s more than $100 mil cut for hospitals)For Grants to Oak Forest Hospital of Cook County………. 12,000,000 2,000,000For a grant to the Autism Program for an Autism Diagnosis Education Program For Young Children… 10,000,000 5,000,000For Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded and Alternative Community Programs including prior year costs…. 356,856,200 351,856,200 ($5 mil)For Expenses of AIDS/HIV Education, Drugs, Services, Counseling, Testing, Referral and Partner Notification (CTRPN), and Patient and Worker Notification ……… 18,001,200 17,501,200
That almost $140,000,000 in cuts to health and human services, just who the hell does this guy think he is trying to help in Illinois. All because the representatives of the people told him no.
All numbers from capitol fax blog, check it out for more.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Thinking Outside the Box
Ok, so this going to be one of my philosophical posts, so be warned, there is no right or wrong here, so feel free to comment it will be interesting to see where this one goes. First to set this up, one of my classes is Introduction to Political Philosophy, in class discussion today the notion that societies have a natural bias towards thinking (and I mean true intellectual thinking) and that this creates a paradox. The paradox comes in that in order to society to advance it takes new ideas and new thoughts, but at the same time those who in a society bring new ideas or new thoughts into an argument are often shunned for not going along with status quo, example being the execution of Socrates for his revolutionary thoughts on government. So where in the hell am I going with this you ask, well where I am headed with this is that after class it really had me thinking about the current state of affairs not only in the country but in my home state as well.
First nationally, what does it say of a society when voicing ones opinion against the war or the presidency they are attacked as unpatriotic, or anti-American. Moreover, it goes beyond that, the American people are spoon fed news in small doses of what corporate media wants you to see and hear. Anytime a media source pops up offering differing views it is immediately attacked as not being credible or making things up. Second example is my home state, we have a governor so damned delusional that when anyone opposes one of his plans (which the majority of the state, and his own party do not agree with) all he can do is run to the nearest tv camera and a blame his detractors for putting the people of Illinois in harm’s way.
So your still asking, ok already, what the hell is the damned point? Well I’m not going to tell you. What I will say is my observations that by and large the American people have gotten lazy, thinking is hard, thinking is risky, so why do it? American people want to turn on the TV and be shown some entertainment that doesn’t require thinking, and what news they feel they need on an issue they want to have spoon fed to them in small bites that require absolutely no intellectual thought.
First nationally, what does it say of a society when voicing ones opinion against the war or the presidency they are attacked as unpatriotic, or anti-American. Moreover, it goes beyond that, the American people are spoon fed news in small doses of what corporate media wants you to see and hear. Anytime a media source pops up offering differing views it is immediately attacked as not being credible or making things up. Second example is my home state, we have a governor so damned delusional that when anyone opposes one of his plans (which the majority of the state, and his own party do not agree with) all he can do is run to the nearest tv camera and a blame his detractors for putting the people of Illinois in harm’s way.
So your still asking, ok already, what the hell is the damned point? Well I’m not going to tell you. What I will say is my observations that by and large the American people have gotten lazy, thinking is hard, thinking is risky, so why do it? American people want to turn on the TV and be shown some entertainment that doesn’t require thinking, and what news they feel they need on an issue they want to have spoon fed to them in small bites that require absolutely no intellectual thought.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Kids Today
Today was my first day in class as a full time student in nearly four years. Its amazing how much has changed in four years. Walking the halls today people where on their cell phones, texting, listening to I-Pods and the objective seemed to get from point A to point B with the least amount of interaction with another human being possible. When did we forget how to say hello as we passed someone in a hallway, when did we stop talking to people in person and communicate only over the digital divide? We wonder why we can’t work out our differences, it’s because we can’t communicate, at least not face to face. Today text messaging, cell phones, voice mail, e-mail, and the internet are our primary means of communication and it is definitely starting to affect the real world. I perfectly admit that I am guilty of it as well, I have the cell phone and I fire off text messages to my friends and send e-mails to family members, and run this blog, but I am still capable of holding an in the flesh conversation with a real live human being. Seeing the fresh out of high school kids today who could barley look up from their phones or i-pods to mutter a hello or excuse me truly make me wonder if there is any hope for our future. But then again I am sure the generations before us said the same damn thing about us.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
A Simple Thank You
Working at a customer service counter I get to see crazy people, people who are just plain assholes, but never before had a seen something so symbolic of the current state of the American People.
Standing in line holding a desktop PC in a box a woman waited patiently for me to finish what I was working on for a customer. This young woman was around the same age as me and was proudly wearing the uniform of a member if the Illinois National Guard. When I finished helping the customer I was with I looked up and before this young woman could step up to the counter another woman came barging through the front doors of the store with her 3 screaming kids who proceeded to draw on the counter, bother customers and trash a candy display all while talking on her cell phone. The second woman then proceeded to throw down a package and demanded we replace the product immediately and she wanted the new one tested so we wouldn’t sell her crap again (The item was $50 off brand MP3 player). All while this is going on at the counter, the woman in the uniform just smiles at me and steps back to again patiently wait for her turn to bring her computer to the counter, while she is standing there an older woman in her mid 50’s walks up to the soldier with her grandson, both the older woman and her grandchild where born in South American and immigrated here in the late 90’s. The older woman had her grandson offer to hold to computer for the soldier and thanked her for her service and for protecting the freedoms her and her family have come to cherish in their adoptive country. All while the busy American born woman could not be unconvinced enough to wait her turn in line.
What does is say about this county when a person who isn’t even an natural born citizen of this county can show more respect to the men and woman who dedicate their lived to defend it? I can understand not supporting a war, even I disagree with the handling of the war, but to disrespect the men and woman who serve, the men and women who defend the freedoms the people of this country take for granted every day, is bull shit. And that’s part of what I think the problem is in America, people want the right to freedom of speech but they don’t want to let people speak who offend them. People want freedom of religion but they want to push their religious views and perceived morals on those whose views differ than their own. While you may disagree with the war, the soldiers who fight that war are only following orders, doing what they are trained to do, fighting to the preservation of our freedoms. To use an old quote Freedom is not free, and its cost is blood.
Working at a customer service counter I get to see crazy people, people who are just plain assholes, but never before had a seen something so symbolic of the current state of the American People.
Standing in line holding a desktop PC in a box a woman waited patiently for me to finish what I was working on for a customer. This young woman was around the same age as me and was proudly wearing the uniform of a member if the Illinois National Guard. When I finished helping the customer I was with I looked up and before this young woman could step up to the counter another woman came barging through the front doors of the store with her 3 screaming kids who proceeded to draw on the counter, bother customers and trash a candy display all while talking on her cell phone. The second woman then proceeded to throw down a package and demanded we replace the product immediately and she wanted the new one tested so we wouldn’t sell her crap again (The item was $50 off brand MP3 player). All while this is going on at the counter, the woman in the uniform just smiles at me and steps back to again patiently wait for her turn to bring her computer to the counter, while she is standing there an older woman in her mid 50’s walks up to the soldier with her grandson, both the older woman and her grandchild where born in South American and immigrated here in the late 90’s. The older woman had her grandson offer to hold to computer for the soldier and thanked her for her service and for protecting the freedoms her and her family have come to cherish in their adoptive country. All while the busy American born woman could not be unconvinced enough to wait her turn in line.
What does is say about this county when a person who isn’t even an natural born citizen of this county can show more respect to the men and woman who dedicate their lived to defend it? I can understand not supporting a war, even I disagree with the handling of the war, but to disrespect the men and woman who serve, the men and women who defend the freedoms the people of this country take for granted every day, is bull shit. And that’s part of what I think the problem is in America, people want the right to freedom of speech but they don’t want to let people speak who offend them. People want freedom of religion but they want to push their religious views and perceived morals on those whose views differ than their own. While you may disagree with the war, the soldiers who fight that war are only following orders, doing what they are trained to do, fighting to the preservation of our freedoms. To use an old quote Freedom is not free, and its cost is blood.
Monday, August 13, 2007
How to begin. I’m a 24 year old political studies student with aspirations for law school, and I came out about a year ago to my friends and family. Ok Ok, I know old news, just another recently out college student who want to share his experiences with the world right? WRONG. I’m not here to offer coming out stories, although from time to time it could come up, and I’m not here to provide news on the newest fashion trends. I am into politics and world affairs, I like to get involved, and now I have decided to share my own blend of sarcastic, witty, and downright rude and crude no holds barred commentary on the American political system and the general state of the world today. As the description says nothing held back and nothing off limits religion, sex, politics, it is all fair games here. So now you ask just what in the hell makes me think my opinions are worth a damned thing, well I’ve been there, I’ve been on the inside, I’ve worked the campaigns, drank the Kool-Aid, heard and spread the rhetoric, and been a faithful party member, all for what? Over the last 5 years of my involvement I’ve seen things get worse and worse, it’s not about the good of the American people anymore it’s about the good of those who can afford to buy what they thinks is good for them (and their pocket books). I’m not arrogant enough to think I’m always right (ok yes I am), and I enjoy a good back and forth intelligent debate on an issue. I WILL NOT TOLERATE COMBACKS WORTHY OF A FIRST GRADER. You want to argue one of my opinions I welcome it, make an intelligent argument and I might even concede I’m wrong (hey it’s been known to happen). Nevertheless, more than anything this is to provide me with an outlet, a place to rant, get things out of my head and into physical form. Soon I will be moving some old posts from another blog and expanding upon them, so let the fun begin and welcome the Out Frontier.
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