Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two giant leaps forward, one big step backwards.

Last night voter across America with a clear voice said they wanted change. And in a historic election Barack Obama, the junior senator from Illinois, has been elected President of the United States. Hopefully President Elect Obama will be the leader that so many of us have invested with our hope, our dreams, and our desires for changed society. Currently Obama has 349 Electoral votes, 52% of the popular vote, and strong majorities in the House and Senate. The next President will face a daunting task of correcting the course of this nation. Leading us out of war, and into a time of peace, out of a recession and into a time of financial prosperity, and to end the inequities if bigotry and hate that have plagued this nation. The mandate of the people has been issued, and now it is the time to sit back and see if we have vested our trust in the right man. With the construction of an administration, and the assembling of a cabinet over the next several weeks, and almost certain supreme court appointments over the next 4 years, now is a time in American history unlike any other, and we have the opportunity to see change first hand, for better or worse.
And on a brief note, my respect to Senator John McCain, for his service and dedication to his country, as well as the classy way in which he ended his campaign without desperate legal challenges and accusations, but with kind words and a call to work together, putting country first. While I have not agreed with his policies, or the way in which his campaign has been ran, John McCain deserves the respect of a grateful nation, which he has served his entire life, as a navy officer and a United States Senator.
Finally, last night despite a national mandate for change, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida have all voted to ban gay marriage. It was a long and expensive fight, filled with attacks that played to people’s fears, insecurities, misconceptions, stereotypes, and prejudices. Let it be known however that this fight is not over. We will not just go quietly into the night. In time, this country will come recognize basic rights for all of its citizens. The history of the world is filled with ideals of hate and bigotry, and time and time again, the better angels of mankind have prevailed, it might not be tomorrow, it might not be next week, next month, or next year. Nevertheless, it will happen, and I truly believe it will happen within our lifetimes. And last night we took a big step towards that by election Barack Obama President of the United States.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Closing Arguments

"In one week, we can choose hope over fear, unity over division, the promise of change over the power of the status quo," …"In one week, we can come together as one nation, and one people, and once more choose our better history. That's what's at stake." – Senator Barack Obama
2008 is an election that will change all of our lives. All across this nation, we have a choice to make, we have to choose hope over fear, we have to choose unity over divisions, we need to bring the change this country desperately needs. It is up to us to choose the course of our history, and we do not get second chances to make it right. I used to hold Senator McCain in a high regard, and would have voted for him in 2000 when he ran for President, had that John McCain showed up this time, then I might still be one of his supporters. But John McCain has sold out, he has sold out his principles, he has sold out to the religious right, he has sold out to the neo-cons, and he has turned this from an election about real issues facing real people and tried to take it to the lowest common denominator playing off people’s fears and prejudices, and it is time that Senator McCain take his final curtain call because his 15 minutes are up. But who we vote for as our next President we need to look at ballot propositions. In five states there are proposed amendments/propositions that would deny rights to gays and lesbians and ban gay marriage, California (VOTE NO ON 8), Florida (VOTE NO ON 2), Arizona (VOTE NO ON 102), Connecticut (VOTE NO ON 1), and Arkansas (VOTE NO ON 1). This is an election that will have consequences, consequences on our economy, our nation defense, our foreign policy, and our basic fundamental rights to equality. As I said we don’t get second chances, we don’t get do over’s, this is the defining moment of a generation to stand up to the fears and prejudices of the past, this is our chance to overcome division and take a stand for equality. This is our chance to have our shining moment in the sun. We are at the crossroads of American History, and our destiny is of our own choosing, so make the choice, make the choice that will ensure a better tomorrow for all of us.
CALIFORNIA: Vote No on 8
FLORIDA: Vote No on 2
ARIZONA: Vote No on 102
CONNECTICUT: Vote No on Question 1
ARKANSAS: Vote No on Act 1

Thursday, October 9, 2008

No Title

I am still around. I have just been really busy lately and not felt motivated enough to post anything. Honestly I still don’t. I may decided to keep the blog, I may decide to drop it. I don’t know yet.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Politics Unleashed

I have found a new political blog that looks like it could be interesting, it only has one post as of right now, but I think this one is worth keeping an eye on.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Time of Trials

“We live, my dear soul, in an age of trial. What will be the consequence, I know not.” – John Adams 2nd President of the United States - 1774
Those word where written 234 years ago in a letter that John Adams sent to his wife Abigail. The American Revolution would not begin for nearly another year, and the United States, consisting of the thirteen colonies, did not declare their Independence until July 4, 1776. Today, more than two centuries after those words where used to describe the tumultuous times leading up to the American Revolution, those words could not more accurately describe the time we live in. Gas prices continue to rise, global warming continues to grow worse, home foreclosure on the rise, the economy going down, this is a new age of trials and the consequences of our actions. As I watch the developing campaign, I see two choices developing. The first is John McCain, going back in time 8 years, I would be right there with the man. Eight years ago, McCain was the maverick; he was the man who would stand against his party when it was the right thing to do. The John McCain who ran for President eight years ago died when his campaign was crushed by the establishment backed Bush 00 campaign. Then there is Barack Obama, on the surface he brings a fresh face with a message of hope can change we can believe in. However one question remains, is Barack Obama the real deal that so many have staked their hopes and dreams in, or is he an opportunist saying what he feels the people want to hear, not what they need to hear. As far as the current situation, I will say this. A former boss of mine was fond of the phrase “doing the right thing wrong”, to me that is the perfect description for the current administration, and albeit I also agree in several areas, he has been just flat wrong. However, in terms of the war on terror, national security, and domestic intelligence, has he not done what the people demanded? Did the American people not demand retaliation for 9/11, did the American people not demand the government take measure to know about and prevent such attacks, and did the American people not demand a feeling of security and safety? The American people got exactly what they asked for; they just did not realize the price they would have to pay for it. As far as the war, I agree something needed done with hostile countries who actively sought to inflict pain and suffering on this country. The Iraqi War should never have been needed if the original dessert storm had been fulfilled to completion. As my boss used to say, it’s doing the right thing wrongly, we went into Bosnia claiming human rights violations, could we not have made the same arguments against Iraq, god knows the evidence was and is there, could we not have made a case that after nearly two decades of UN resolutions it was time for action, we didn’t need to fabricate anything. This is indeed a new age of trials, and as we continue on, I cannot say what the consequences of our actions will be; I cannot say which candidate is better. Do we put our faith in trust in a man who was sold out, and has sold himself out over the last eight years, do we trust that he will go back to be that man? On the other hand, do we trust the young Idealist to be the man we all hope he is?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Free World

First, the set up.

Driving to work today my car radio locked itself on the AM band (don’t get me started, I am getting a new one next month). And I got to listen to this blow hole talk about how great America is, how we are the leaders of the free world and how we have so many rights and freedoms in this country, that if people don’t like it they can just leave. The blowhole in his next segment went on to talk about the dangers of a black President, said that their fried chicken and watermelon would ruin the White House and that they would never get the smell out, this blow hole also talked of the dangers of allowing the homosexual agenda to be pushed upon us, we are endangering our marriages and our children if we believe that the homosexual agenda is harmless, yet we are the leader of the free world.

Now, for my soapbox

Citizenship in America is not easy, to quote a movie, America is advanced citizenship and you have to want it. When is America going to get it, free speech is about more than being able to stand up and say whatever you desire, free speech is the ability to acknowledge someone is standing in the middle of room advocating at the top of their lungs what you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours, that is the freedom of speech. Freedom is taken for granted in this country; freedom is taken to mean freedom for those who agree with you, a moral standard, and a belief system shoved down everyone’s throats, while we pretend to have a freedom of religion. What happened to the ability to change the channel if you find something offense, why do we need it regulated, censored, or banned, pick up the remote and change the damn channel, it isn’t that hard. Moreover, what exactly is it about that homosexual agenda that scares the hell out of you, why you are so insecure in your beliefs, and in your marriage that you think the two boys in a loving relationship down the block will ruin it for you is beyond me, and if you can figure that out, well then you are a smarter person than I am. Let ask our allies such as France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, or the Czech Republic, Hungary, Uruguay, Slovenia, Spain, and Norway how they feel about same sex unions, those countries all have some form of legalized same sex union, and none of them have been stricken from the face of the earth, married couples did not cease to love each other or be married because two people of the same sex are also in a committed union together. America professing to be the leader of the free world is a crock of shit. Before we can profess ourselves to be the leaders of the free world we need to establish what freedom is, not a one sided “I am free to inflict my views upon you”, but an open debate, an open world where two people can stand openly in a room and profess their beliefs openly, and have the person standing next to them respect their right to be able to do it, that is freedom. Let us see that taught in classrooms, defend that, then we can stand up and sing about being the land of the free. The problem with so many people in our society, especially our leader is not that they do not get it, but that they can’t sell it. We have many issues facing our society, a failing economy, a falling foreign policy, a failed war, and what we need are serious people who get it to take charge and work together to solve the problems facing our nation. Most politicians are not the least bit interested in what our problems really are, they are interested in making you afraid of it, and telling you who is to blame for it, that is how elections are won. Senator Obama was right when he talked about apathetic voters who cling to their guns and bibles because that’s all they feel they have. Republicans have gotten really good at that game, you don’t need to debate issues, you just need to talk about family, values, character, and scare people that the other side is coming to take that away next. We have real problems facing this country and it is time for serious people to step up and help pull this country back up, and for blow holes like the moron on the morning radio, it’s past time that your fifteen minutes are up.

Thank you and good night.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

America, This is Our Moment

Some quotes from Senator Barack Obama's speech 06/03/08.


OBAMA 2008, onto Washington, and the White House.

"because you decided that change must come to Washington; because you believed that this year must be different than all the rest; because you chose to listen not to your doubts or your fears but to your greatest hopes and highest aspirations, tonight we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of another—a journey that will bring a new and better day to America"

"So it was for that band of patriots who declared in a Philadelphia hall the formation of a more perfect union; and for all those who gave on the fields of Gettysburg and Antietam their last full measure of devotion to save that same union.

So it was for the greatest generation that conquered fear itself, and liberated a continent from tyranny and made this country home to untold opportunity and prosperity.

So it was for the workers who stood out on the picket lines; the women who shattered glass ceilings; the children who braved a Selma bridge for freedom's cause.

So it has been for every generation that faced down the greatest challenges and the most improbable odds to leave their children a world that's better, and kinder, and more just.
And so it must be for us.

America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past. Our time to bring new energy and new ideas to the challenges we face. Our time to offer a new direction for the country we love. "

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The political reality

As I watch the current race for the Whitehouse, I find myself, shocked, appalled, and even disgusted by what is going on, even as a major in political studies, I am finding this current situation to be stupid. When is America and American voters going to get their heads out of their asses and pay attention? When can we have a campaign that is about issues, ideas, policy, not about the petty bullshit that a tabloid media and the intellectually lacking people who thrive on it push down our throats? Senator Clinton is still in the Democratic race for the nomination, despite trailing in money, pledged delegates, popular vote, and loosing super delegates by the day, and no mathematically possibly way to catch up. Her claim is that she, not Senator Obama can win in November, well Senator Clinton after the hatchet job you, your husband, and your daughter (who yes, you have pimped out on the campaign trail) have done, no wonder he is going to have a tough fight in November. Senator Clinton has had the nerve to say shame on Barrack Obama, well senator, SHAME ON YOU. You have made this race not about issues, but about Race, Gender, who can where a flag pin and call themselves a patriot, and who can sell out their friends the quickest. Do I agree with what Senator Obama’s former pastor has said, NO, I do not, but I also don’t think that you can judge Obama based upon it. I have friends who are racist, I have friends who have done some really stupid and wrong things, but they are still my friends, they know I do not always approve of what they say or do, and I most certainly do not always think the way they do. This race has accused Senator Obama of being a Muslim because of his name, hinting he may be a terrorist agent trying to infiltrate the government. Others will not even listen because he is black. Well people, NONE OF IT FUCKING MATTERS. It’s not about if your black or white, male or female, Christian or Muslim, Wealthy or Poor, what matters is what the next person to hold the Presidential Office will do to fix what has gone so terribly wrong over the last 8 years, what they next President will do to ensure a safe future. Everyone seems to want to know that, but it’s not the policy speeches that get attention, it’s not the ideas that get debates, it’s the tabloid garbage that is discussed around the water cooler so to speak. Senator Obama was correct when he spoke of American voters. People have become apathetic , and they cling to whatever they can that makes them feel safe and comfortable, guns, religion, “family values”, whatever it may be, and anything that comes along and challenges that apathetic security blanket is attacked, no attention is paid that the grass may be greener on the other side, and that the world could be a better place, we have all become to disinterested to care, to scared to dare to find out. Hopefully, some day we can have campaigns that focus on issues, and not what a candidate had for breakfast, or what an old friend of relative did, but unfortunately that day is not today, and by November millions upon millions will spent destroying the records and reputations of both candidates. Imagine what a campaign would look like if those millions got spent educating voters on issues, and ideas, that is real politics.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Im back,


So I have not totally forgotten about the blog, I do still look in on things, but life has been so damn chaotic lately I just haven’t had the chance to do anything other than classes, work, class, and study for finals. There have been a few developments. I was turned down for my internship, but a week after I got that letter I was called and offered it. Therefore, I am rushing paperwork through to do the internship this summer, so YAY for me on that one. Finals sucked, I think I might have even failed one of them, but I think my grades where high enough to pull me through with a C overall for the class, just as long as I never have to see that class again I will be happy. So there is brief update, I will be posting another post soon, getting back to some of my philosophical, political, subject matter and out of the personal realm for a while. So get ready, the soapbox is back, and I am about to climb on up.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Humanity erased

I have been reading this story about a young woman from Alton Illinois who was tortured and killed by another woman and her children (story here Matt from Debriefing the Boys has also commented on this, and brought into it a discussion of the death penalty, and the evilness of some people. I have worked in the criminal courts for over two years. While I cannot disclose some of what I have seen, I can say some it can make your skin crawl, and some of it can turn you blood cold. Its true the majority of my day is simple crap, misdemeanors for underage drinking and drug position, but every so often is one of those cases that can make you question at what point someone stops being human and becomes simply unadulterated evil. Now as far as the death penalty goes, I don’t really know where I stand on it. On one hand I understand that killing someone wont undo their crimes, and I know that for the most part it is not a deterrent to crime, but on the other hand do we out to the victims to make sure the criminal never gets the chance to do it again, should taxpayers have to cloth, feed, and shelter these people like from Alton who have shed their humanity and savagely tortured human being. The people in Alton held a woman locked in a basement, they used her for target practice with their BB guns, they burned her cloths, they would not feed her, so why as a society do we owe those who did these unthinkable things to this innocent young mother, who was also pregnant, any better. These monsters murdered a 29-year-old woman, took the chance at life of her unborn child, and took her from the life of her 1-year-old child who was also treated in horrible conditions. Now as far as some further commentary on the Death Penalty, I find that those who oppose it the most are Catholics and evangelicals. Now just some notes on hypocrisy here, the bible does say an eye for an eye, and the golden rule says do unto others what you would have them do unto you. No apparently, it is ok to not obey that part of the bible, as well as countless others, but it is ok to discriminate against gays and lesbians because the bible says it is a sin. Rest assured I am not making a gay rights argument out of this, I am just providing some insight. So in short, do these people he did this deserve to die, my answer is yes they deserve to die when and if they are found to be guilty of their crimes, did Timothy McVeigh deserve to die, my answer yes he deserved to die for his crimes. I know this is going to make me hated by some if not almost all of my blogger friends, but it is my opinion. I think the Death penalty should be left as an option for certain heinous crimes, but that it should be done only in extreme circumstances, and that there should be a mandatory requirement for solid forensic evidence and an examination of all that evidence on automatic appeal of any death penalty conviction to ensure we are not executing innocent people wrongly convicted. Comment away.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm listening

I was born in Oklahoma, and half my family still lives there. Most of my moms side of the family (the ones in oklahoma) still dont know that I am gay because they would react just like this bitch. I am sorry to say it, but I am ashamed of where I came from. And its stuff like this that makes me vow never to go back.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

World News

Now as many of my regular readers know, I am very interested in the Olympics, but I can’t help but be concerned by the actions of the Chinese government. Leading up to the Olympics they have committed acts that be describes as nothing short of human rights violations to make sure that while they eyes of the world are on Beijing the cracks and failures of the Chinese society don’t show. Now I by no means a tree hugger, or a huge environmentalist or animal rights activist, but I read this (, and it actually made me cry. I have been raised around cats, I had my own cat that passed away in 2004, then when I moved into my own place I adopted two kitties, sisters, who lived with me until I had to move, but I found them a good and safe home. I have never had any tolerance for people who abuse animals. Cats, and dogs, can be very gentle and loving animals, they provide companionship, friendship, and even love. There is proof that when an elderly person has a pet they do better mentally and physically than those without. I think the IOC, the world press, human and animal rights activists alike need to take a long hard look at Beijing 2008, and make sure that in the awarding of future Olympic games, that the games are not carried out at a premium price on human and animal rights.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Fall from Grace

Ok, So I am about to stir up a shit storm with this one, but I can’t resist.
Earlier today I was perusing the news and ran across this gem of an article on one of my news feeds. It basically (for those who didn’t go read it) is about a 17 year old foster child in California that wants to join the Marines through early enlistment, well the judge who is opposed to the Iraq war said she was against the war and against the army and refused to let the teen enlist. Last month, Berkley California tried to kick the marines out of town calling them murderers. Now say what you will about the war in Iraq, I know almost everyone is opposed to it, myself included, but there is a definite difference between the men and women who serve this country as a member of the armed forces, and those who make the decision to send them into war. I have several friends who proudly wear their uniforms, who have served tours in Iraq and other places, and I am so sick of people disrespecting the troops for just following orders. And for those who say the soldiers are committing atrocities, yes there have been some unfortunate incidents, but by and large, who are we to judge the actions of a soldier in a hostile foreign country, where you don’t know when the next bomb will go off, where the next round of gunfire will come from. It’s easy for people to sit in their comfortable living rooms, or the offices, sipping their Starbucks, or riding in their nice cars to judge the actions of someone who is sleeping in the dirt, wearing clothes that haven’t been washed in weeks, or that still has the blood of their friend who got the ride home in a pine wood box on them. I don’t care if you support the war or if you don’t. The men and women fighting this war are every bit as much the victim. You want names to blame for the war in Iraq, George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleza Rice, those are who you blame, and guess what America, you had your chance 4 years ago to rectify the problem, instead you elected Bush with over 50% of the vote, something even the great Bill Clinton didn’t manage to do in either presidential election. After Katrina people complained that their wasn’t enough national guard troops left to help in the event of disasters at home, the same arguments after tornadoes devastated the Midwest. It’s hypocritical, bullshit that this damned ingrates will sit there and call our soldiers trash and murderers, yet they are the first to bitch when someone in a uniform isn’t there to help them. No matter what has transpired with the Iraq war, the treatment of the soldiers who are just following orders, which is what we train them to do, is absolutely disgraceful. There was a time in this country when a person wearing the uniform was treated with honor and respect, unfortunately, those days are gone. I didn’t use to believe it, but the more crap like this I see truly makes me believe the morality of this country is a thing of the past.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tragedy Strikes Home

There is no explanation or reasoning that bring comfort to those affected by tragedy tonight. Tonight the thoughts of many are with the students, faculty, family, friends, and loved ones of the Northern Illinois University. The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Obligation of a Generation

With a presidential election less than ten months away, as a nation we are faced with history in the making. No matter who is nominated, you are going to have a first, the first African American President, the first woman President, the oldest president ever. No matter what choice America makes in the primaries and ultimately in November, one thing is certain, we are watching history unfold in real time. As a generation the events happening around us signify one thing, our time is approaching. We have seen the effects of failed policies. We have seen the failure of those elected to lead to do so. We did not have a defining event for our generation such as World War II for our grandparents or Vietnam for our parents. Our generation had 9/11 and a war on terror that has led to a quagmire in Iraq and a failed economy at home. It is our generation who must now answer the call and start to prepare ourselves for our day, when it will be our responsibility to lead and to repair the damage done before us. It is the obligation of each generation to leave behind a legacy to the next, what that legacy is varies greatly. In today’s world what was applicable sixty years ago isn’t applicable today, that doesn’t make it wrong, it doesn’t necessarily make it right, it does make it part of our collective history thought. The responsibility of the subsequent generations is to look at those policies and determine based upon them what to do next, to make adjustments along the way. Unfortunately, many of our generation do not feel the need to be involved, they think it is someone else’s problem to fix, but those days are running out. For the first time in recent memory the under thirty generation is inspired. The man who has sparked that inspiration is a man who little more than four years ago was a State Senator in the Illinois General Assembly, and who two years before that was not even known on the national scene. Senator Barack Obama has inspired a generation who for the last several years has been uninspired; who have been along for the ride hoping things would work out before it was their turn to make the hard decisions. I have listened to mother talk about being a teenager and listening to JFK inspire her generation and RFK after him, both men who inspired the uninspired whose lives were cut tragically short. I can say I have been a republican voter my entire life, but for the first time ever, I have a candidate who excites me, inspires me, lets me believe that hope and change are not impossible ideas. Our generation might not have World War II or Vietnam, we might not have JFK or RFK, but we have Obama. It is time to excite the unexcited, inspire the uninspired, give hope to the hopeless, change to the unchangeable, and to lead a generation to its place in history. I’m not going to tell you who to vote for; I’m not going to debate records or who’s more experienced. I am going to ask you to vote for the candidate who inspired you, the candidate who you think can and will lead this nation to be more than it is, to achieve more than it believes possible. In 1961 Kennedy said this nation would land a man on the moon before the end of the decade, people thought he was crazy for such an assertion, but this nation committed itself and in 1969 we landed a man on the moon. As Kennedy said, we do not choose to do these things we choose to do them because they are hard. Every time in this nation’s history when we have measured our capacity to meet a challenge we realize that capacity may well be limitless, and we reach for the stars.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Inspiration for the uninspired, excitement for the unexcited, hope for the hopeless, change fothe unchangeable and a limitless capacity to meet any challenge and overcome any obstacle.


Theodore Roosevelt
26th President of the United States

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
35th President of the United States

Senator Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY)
Democratic Candidate for President of the United States
Assassinated June 5 1968

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My internship application essay. Please Comment


There are some lazy ass people out there. I do not encourage plagarism. PERIOD


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Lower Education

Well, I had a choice today, over the course of just random thoughts passing through my head (look out regular readers, random thoughts and my mind never end well) I came up with two potential blog topics. Well rather than combine the two (totally unrelated) topics I figured I would use the fairest method I know and pick one of them, I flipped a coin. Rest assured though, I have the other topic in reserve and will be bringing it out very soon. Now I need to preface this with a few things, this line of thinking originates sometime Tuesday afternoon, while I was suffering from an extreme lack of sleep and caffeine and according to some of my friends, I was a walking bitch fit most of the day. Now with that out of the way, here is my rant.

Ok, so well all went to high school, you know those special kids, no not the really smart ones, the other ones. Yup, you guessed it, I am talking about the special ed room. I have reached the conclusion that college needs special ed classes. I mean honestly , I am getting so sick of these people taking classes they are not qualified to be in, don’t have the capacity to comprehend, don’t have the whatever it is needed to succeed in that class. My problem is not that these students need extra time, or extra help, so please don’t think I am being a complete dick (albeit Tuesday I am sure I was being much bitchier about this). But it gets to be a distraction to the students in the class who are fully capable of keeping pace with a class when the instructor has to keep going backwards in a 300 or 400 level class and explaining the basic principles from 100 level courses so some people can keep up, everyone is losing. People who are keeping up start to get bored in the class and quite paying attention because the instructor is constantly backtracking, and the students who need the help end up struggling.

The other part of this is the advisors, if they have a student who they don’t think can hack it in a program, then they should have the stones to tell that student they should really look into something else. I will admit I am not cut out to be a doctor, I suck at science and not real great in math, so for me to go into pre-med would just be stupid. Same principle applies to every program, if you suck at history, or social sciences, don’t be a political studies major. I am not trying to say these people don’t deserve an education, but there should be a program designed for those who are obviously not on the same level as other students. Now I admit to an extent that such a program would provide a way out for slackers and others who think college is that 4 year non-stop party away from mommy and daddy, but in the long run it could free up instructors to teach classes to the intellectual level that will truly inspire debate and learning and not be forced to teach an upper level course to the lowest common denominator .

So this is the end of my rant on higher education. I know some of my readers agree with me, I expect some to burn me in effigy over this, but to be honest I DON’T CARE. I for one am sick of being asked in class if I could rephrase my arguments to be SIMPLER, I am sorry little Johnny can’t keep up, perhaps if by a 400 level political class and little Johnny don’t know who in the fuck Thomas Hobbs, John Locke, or Edmond Burke are then perhaps little Johnny should change his GOD DAMN MAJOR or apply for burger flipper at McDonalds, I’ll be his reference.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Some more on my campus

I got asked a qustion about what my campus looks like so here are the main building on campus

First up is the Public Affairs Center, or the PAC. home of my Atrium Hideout. The PAC also houses campus food service, the Sangamon Auditorium, 3 seperate theaters and is the underground hub of the entire campus (PAC, Brookens, and Math Sciences are all conected by an underground concourse). It is nice walking between buidling underground when it is freezing outside. As with most of its contemporaries on campus the PAC is based on a design of triangles. This is the building that houses most of the Public Affairs programs including my Political Studies Program.
This is a shot of the Norris Brookins Library. The building is split, half Library, Half classroom and offices. There is not a square room in the whole damned place, neither is their a straight hallway. The joke on campus is that the place was designed by the Psychology Department as a giant rat maze for undergrads. I think the plan failed becuase I know grad students who cant find their way around this damned building. At last check the campus facility services didnt even have a complete floor plan on the building. It also is designed on angles, not a single right angle in the enitre building. Thank God I dont have classes in this building, I might still be roaming the halls.
The Brookins Courtyard
The Health Sciences Building (Also the Math Sciences Building), yeah I know it is on the back edge of campus but im a political studies major, we dont really have a use for this building other than to know its a good place to hide if you dont want anyone to find you, supposedly it has a nice greenhouse, again wouldnt know.


Here is a pic of what has become my favorite place on campus. It is the Atrium Lounge in the UIS Public Affairs Center (PAC). I like sitting here between classes or just to study. It’s no one element that makes this place so relaxing. It’s not quite but it’s not loud. You can’t see from the picture but the atrium is on the third floor and is open to the 2nd floor, you can hear the students pass the halls around you, you can hear the lectures from the various rooms surrounding you. At night after the sun sets and large skylight overhead is dark the only lights are the can lights shining down the stone wall and the lights under the railing, it’s not bright but it’s not dark. Temperature is always cool and slightly breezy. The art on the wall is called distant thunder which is a lot like the atrium itself, I always feel distant from everything around me, I am aware of it all but I’m removed from it somehow. It’s a very nice place to study, or just to observe those around you, like the cute guy who keeps looking at the girl a few couches down from me and smiling, or the guy who obviously didn’t do his reading and is trying to cram before class, then there is me silently blogging on this little microverse on campus sipping my tea and munching on my bagel. here is to all of those place we all find ourselves at peace.

And one more picture, from the university itself, kind of old (Back before UIS was University of Illinois Springfield, but when it was Sangamon State University), but still looks very much the same, just not as red as the picture implies (most of the carpet is blue now in the atrium itself so the atrium takes on a blueish tint now while the halls still glow red with the under rail lighting reflecting off the old red carpet,

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Class disruption


So most of you know I am a political studies major, now generally speaking we are not that good looking of a group. But in my politics class today the ultimate distraction sat down in front of me. He is tall, tan, brown hair, green eyes, a nice build and what an ass. I am definatly going to have to work on concentrating in this class, and I dont mean on his ass.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

And So It Begins, all over again

So I start classes on Tuesday. I must say I have a relatively easy semester planned. I am taking 14 credit hours, but I only have class two days a week, 10-11:15 12-1:15 and 6-9 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So far it looks like the only issue I will have this semester will be $$$$, As you have read I quite my full time job about 5 months ago, I had been working part time (30 hours a week) at a local bank, but about a week ago that went to shit. They had agreed to let me leave a couple of minutes early one night a week to make it to class on time, well the little bitch I work with announced after my schedule had been approved went to HR and said she had a class that started at 5:30 and she would have to leave at 5 and not close, which completely screwed me and my class. ( I will interject here and say her class was offered in 6 different sections, mine is offered in 1 section per semester and I must take it before I can take any further classes) Well after “talks” to work it out broke down my employer told me I could drop the class, quite, or take the class and be fired for leaving work early. Well I took option 2. I had another job lined up, problem is it makes $2 less per hour and 10 less hours per week. So needless to say I am in a bit of a money bind at the moment. However, I am sure I will figure out a way to land on my feet. Now if I could just get the bitch at work (new job) to quite calling be a spoiled child of privilege, life would just be peachy. But enough about that. It is 2008, a new year, a chance to start over, whatever that may mean. I am only 24 years old; I suppose we all must take our knocks in life, I am at least young enough I can recover and come out of whatever may happen better off than I am now. As for classes I have decided to share with you all the true level of my insanity, here are my classes: (ECCE is Engaged Citizen Combined Experience (It’s a retarded))

POS 231 – Political Ideas and Ideologies – Course focuses on the role of ideas in politics and assumes that ideas shape politics and history. It explores the prominent ideas and ideologies of the western world of the past several centuries and attempts to better understand our modern world through these prisms. (3 Credit Hours)

POS 373 – ECCE: Introduction to International Relations – This course provides students with the basic concepts and theories of the study of international relations. Topics include: the international system, the balance of power, and economic interdependence. (3 Credit Hours)
POS 409 – Political Parties and Interest Groups – Examination of interest groups and political parties in American politics. (4 Credit Hours)

POS 451 – Empirical Political Analysis – Examines the empirical research process from conceptualization to data analysis and writing the research report. Particular emphasis will be given to research design and causal analysis. Empirical methods explored will include direct observation and survey research. (4 Credit Hours)

Well, I need to get some sleep. I helped prepare and served a Champaign breakfast this morning, I got home last night after midnight and went to sleep around 12:30 only to be up at 5 AM and cooking by 6 AM. Didn’t get back home till 2 PM. So I am tired, sore, and still smell like the fucking pancakes I was making today.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Let it begin

Ok everyone here is my first full post of the new year.

I have to admit 2007 had it high points and its low points. But it is a new day, and a new year. In 1 week, I start classes again. I am taking 14 credit hours all in political classes. I am not going to get into a full-scale political post here, but this is the time of year when people like me start to get excited. It is no secret that I am a political junkie. Its January of a presidential election year, in less than a month President Bush will issue his last State of the Union Address, Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada have begun the caucus/primary process, Super Tuesday is one month away, this is my playoffs, my Super Bowl. So get ready, issues posts, candidate posts, and other political based posts in the coming months. I promise I will hold back until after Super Tuesday (Feb 5th for all you junkies out there). So here is a toast to 2007, may the lessons learned guide us forevermore, my the hardships and he bad be written upon the sands, may the good times be written on the tablets of memory, to 2008 may it bring the happiness we seek, may it bring us time with friends and loved ones, may 2008 leave us better in the end than when it began.

Happy New Years Everyone

Let the games begin.


Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Years

Happy New Years Everyone

Well Happy New Years, I will have a full post coming soon. I have just been swamped the last week or so. But I am happy I am up to 1,000 hits on here. More to come.