Sunday, January 13, 2008

And So It Begins, all over again

So I start classes on Tuesday. I must say I have a relatively easy semester planned. I am taking 14 credit hours, but I only have class two days a week, 10-11:15 12-1:15 and 6-9 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So far it looks like the only issue I will have this semester will be $$$$, As you have read I quite my full time job about 5 months ago, I had been working part time (30 hours a week) at a local bank, but about a week ago that went to shit. They had agreed to let me leave a couple of minutes early one night a week to make it to class on time, well the little bitch I work with announced after my schedule had been approved went to HR and said she had a class that started at 5:30 and she would have to leave at 5 and not close, which completely screwed me and my class. ( I will interject here and say her class was offered in 6 different sections, mine is offered in 1 section per semester and I must take it before I can take any further classes) Well after “talks” to work it out broke down my employer told me I could drop the class, quite, or take the class and be fired for leaving work early. Well I took option 2. I had another job lined up, problem is it makes $2 less per hour and 10 less hours per week. So needless to say I am in a bit of a money bind at the moment. However, I am sure I will figure out a way to land on my feet. Now if I could just get the bitch at work (new job) to quite calling be a spoiled child of privilege, life would just be peachy. But enough about that. It is 2008, a new year, a chance to start over, whatever that may mean. I am only 24 years old; I suppose we all must take our knocks in life, I am at least young enough I can recover and come out of whatever may happen better off than I am now. As for classes I have decided to share with you all the true level of my insanity, here are my classes: (ECCE is Engaged Citizen Combined Experience (It’s a retarded))

POS 231 – Political Ideas and Ideologies – Course focuses on the role of ideas in politics and assumes that ideas shape politics and history. It explores the prominent ideas and ideologies of the western world of the past several centuries and attempts to better understand our modern world through these prisms. (3 Credit Hours)

POS 373 – ECCE: Introduction to International Relations – This course provides students with the basic concepts and theories of the study of international relations. Topics include: the international system, the balance of power, and economic interdependence. (3 Credit Hours)
POS 409 – Political Parties and Interest Groups – Examination of interest groups and political parties in American politics. (4 Credit Hours)

POS 451 – Empirical Political Analysis – Examines the empirical research process from conceptualization to data analysis and writing the research report. Particular emphasis will be given to research design and causal analysis. Empirical methods explored will include direct observation and survey research. (4 Credit Hours)

Well, I need to get some sleep. I helped prepare and served a Champaign breakfast this morning, I got home last night after midnight and went to sleep around 12:30 only to be up at 5 AM and cooking by 6 AM. Didn’t get back home till 2 PM. So I am tired, sore, and still smell like the fucking pancakes I was making today.


1 comment:

B said...

Good luck with your semester!