Monday, August 13, 2007

How to begin. I’m a 24 year old political studies student with aspirations for law school, and I came out about a year ago to my friends and family. Ok Ok, I know old news, just another recently out college student who want to share his experiences with the world right? WRONG. I’m not here to offer coming out stories, although from time to time it could come up, and I’m not here to provide news on the newest fashion trends. I am into politics and world affairs, I like to get involved, and now I have decided to share my own blend of sarcastic, witty, and downright rude and crude no holds barred commentary on the American political system and the general state of the world today. As the description says nothing held back and nothing off limits religion, sex, politics, it is all fair games here. So now you ask just what in the hell makes me think my opinions are worth a damned thing, well I’ve been there, I’ve been on the inside, I’ve worked the campaigns, drank the Kool-Aid, heard and spread the rhetoric, and been a faithful party member, all for what? Over the last 5 years of my involvement I’ve seen things get worse and worse, it’s not about the good of the American people anymore it’s about the good of those who can afford to buy what they thinks is good for them (and their pocket books). I’m not arrogant enough to think I’m always right (ok yes I am), and I enjoy a good back and forth intelligent debate on an issue. I WILL NOT TOLERATE COMBACKS WORTHY OF A FIRST GRADER. You want to argue one of my opinions I welcome it, make an intelligent argument and I might even concede I’m wrong (hey it’s been known to happen). Nevertheless, more than anything this is to provide me with an outlet, a place to rant, get things out of my head and into physical form. Soon I will be moving some old posts from another blog and expanding upon them, so let the fun begin and welcome the Out Frontier.

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