Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Music Around the World

I have been listening to these two artist for a while now, Now I know my last post about looks so this might sound hypocrtical to some. But I dont really give a damn since its my blog and I can say almost anything I want.

First up is Shayne Ward
out of the UK, he won a show called the X factor in 2005 and since has had some rather good stuff, at least I think. And on a side note from everything I have read, Shayne, while straight is an avid supporter of Gay rights. From the pics and vids I have seen of him he seems a lot more genuine about who he is and what he does than a lot of the current american pop stars.

Second is Anthony Callea

Runner up of Australlian Idol. Anthony has an amazing voice, he can do pop, rock, and classical. Anthony cam out as gay earlier this year.

Its a shame neither of these two have much of a US following.

1 comment:

Troystopher said...

Why can't our American Idols be as hot as Anthony... Thats it I am moving to Australia! :0)