Sunday, September 16, 2007

Allllllllllllllllrighty then.

Sorry I have not been keeping my word on trying to post everyday, but this weekend has been hectic at best. Friday I had an event I had to be at 30 minutes after I got off work, Saturday I went out with friends drank with them, went home and drank some more just for good measure, then today I had to move furniture around and get my office fixed back up. Kind of makes for a busy weekend
So there is really no point to this post really. I tried to think of some issue to bring up, or something to go off on a rant about but I am just not working with a full load this weekend. I will say I am kind of pissed about my TV of only 5 years going out on me, the damned thing. So I guess get to come up with the money to buy a new TV. Right now I am looking at either a 47 or 50 inch Vizio HD LCD. Well anway, no point in me rambling on about nothingness, but I promise, Monday I will have a post of some substance ready to rock and roll.


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